Just over a decade ago I knew little about autism. 2 years ago I had never heard of PDA. I have had to become an expert on my children, their needs and how it affects them.

Below are links that have helped to guide us on our journey including information and resources.

What is PDA?

What is Autism?

About Dyslexia

About ADHD


Autism West Midlands

Font Information
The font used on the Icon Website is an adaptation of the OpenDyslexic font from https://opendyslexic.org/

The font was created to increase readability for readers with dyslexia.

Whilst we, at Icon, acknowledge that dyslexia is not a vision based condition, there is masses of research to show font DOES matter. It is commonplace in dyslexia for a person to flip individual letters in the processing of information. Fancy flicks, curves, cursive or capital lettering can further compact this issue. Even underlining can confuse a brain that struggles with visual processing.

This font, therefore, thickens aspects of each letter to make it more difficult to be flipped. The font is plain and each letter is distinct. Having tested this with Connie I can honestly say when she has access to this font it makes her life easier.
We have adapted the font in order to make the letter ‘a’ a single storey character more in line with the handwriting technique taught to Connie.

If you do not have access to other fonts, this information could be incredibly helpful to make your information more accessible:
Dyslexia Friendly Style Guide